Thank you for considering leaving a gift in your will to support our work.

Big or small, it does not matter. Any gift will be gratefully received and will make a big difference. Gifts in wills help to secure our future, maintain and upgrade our ageing facilities and ensure wildlife, both now and in the future, will benefit from your kindness.

You can leave a legacy for wildlife in need by bequeathing –
• A percentage of your estate to be gifted after providing for family and friends.
• A fixed monetary amount.
• A gift of specific property, shares or even some of your superannuation.
• The whole of your estate.

If you would like to know more about our work and how a gift in your will could help our native wildlife long into the future, please get in touch. We are here to answer questions you might have.

If you would like to explore how to make a will or make an online will please go to Include a Charity for information and support on how to leave a charitable gift in your Will.

Leaving a gift in your will is a very personal decision so we understand if you want to keep our cause close to your heart. You will need the following important information to make the bequest –

Our legal name is – Darling Range Wildlife Shelter Inc
ABN – 17 509 080 678

Essentially, leaving a gift in your will is the ultimate legacy and we really appreciate you thinking of our cause.

In Grateful Memory

We have received gifts of all types, big and small, which have made a difference. The following people, through their estates, have made an enduring contribution to wildlife and DRWS.

Annemarie Papelard (2023)

DRWS lost a true supporter and friend when Annemarie passed away. We were heartbroken at having to unexpectedly say goodbye to our long-standing volunteer accountant. Annemarie supported us for well over 10 years and had a massive impact on our business arrangements. She left not only a financial gift but a legacy of her many years of professional support, advice and input.

F.W. Parkinson (2022)

We did not know Mr Parkinson, who was extremely generous in leaving gifts to a number of local animal and human welfare services and charities in Western Australia.

We are incredibly honored to have been included in his legacy.

Sonia Guinan (2016)

We did not know Sonia, who we discovered was a passionate dog lover. Sonia founded MayDay Dog Rescue in 1983, but was obviously committed to the care and welfare of all animals.

We are incredibly honored to have been included in her will. The legacy she leaves behind for DRWS will not be forgotten.

‘Roly’ Kuhl (Allan Roy) (2015)

Mr Kuhl visited the Shelter on several occasions prior to his passing. “Call me Roly, all of my friends do” – is what he said during his visits.

Roly wanted his estate to have a lasting impact for wildlife in need. And he was very clear it was to ensure wildlife returned to the wild; all sorts of wildlife. He did not differentiate between species of high or low conservation status.

Roly’s generous gift will have an enduring impact on DRWS future capacity to provide amazing facilities for wildlife rehabilitation.

Iris Swallow (2014)

Iris’s sudden passing left a gap at DRWS. A fabulous lady and ally of the shelter, committed to all creatures. Iris had crazy magpie antics to share in abundance. Her passion for kangaroos, and the joy she got in caring for them, was plain to see. Iris raised the profile of the colour pink to a new high.

Thank you to her amazing family who generously donated, have continued to visit and support DRWS in memory of Iris.

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Julie Sheridan (2013)

DRWS lost a true friend when Julie passed away after a long battle with cancer. Julie was a long-standing, and one of the very first members of the shelter. She undertook many roles over the years including that of Treasurer and Volunteer Coordinator. The role which she was truly devoted was that of Marsupial Coordinator; one which she embraced with her closest friend, Yvonne. Her passion for raising kangaroos and possums was obvious to all who came across Julie. Her fondness for bobtails and birds was also apparent. Julie will always be remembered kindly; she was an amazing lady and friend.

Thank you to her family for their donation in memory of Julie.

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